Pledge now

There is only one reason to give your gifts to the church. Our faith reminds us that the only reason to give is that we are thankful for God's gift of grace. As we grow in our understanding of what God has first given us, then God's love transforms our thinking, our hearts and our trust, to the point that we grow in witness, even in our giving. We grow in our giving as we grow in our understanding of God's grace, God's undonditional gift of love.

As followers of Jesus, there are several ways we can respond to God's love and grace. We can share that love, live a life that reflects a commitment to God and we can serve God. Service includes sharing your gifts, including talents and possessions.

February is a time for all of us to respond, to commit to the 2024 Ministry Support Fun, the budget of our church. We would like you to pray about your response. Take a moment and think about how God is at work in your life.

The 2024 Budget represents a lot of prayer and careful planning. The leaders of your church have been praying and preparing the 2024 church budget for ministry and mission. This budge was proposed in 2023, but with the leadership changes taking place at that time, the wise decision to wait before finalizing the budget.

What do you need to do? Simply put, Study, Pray and Respond. You can respond by filling out this pledge online.

Here is the stewardship letter from Pastor David McEntire and Council Chair Brian McComb.

Here is the narrative budget that was mailed.

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