What we believe

Christ Church United Methodist is a reconciling, justice-seeking community. We welcome all regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, political affiliation or economic status. 

We are dedicated to shaping children and families in the image of God through our church and school ministries. We are a justice-centered congregation. We strive to be a voice and a friend to the marginalized, oppressed, excluded and rejected in the same way Jesus was, and the prophets before him. We will not be silent in the face of evils like racism and the systems that perpetuate injustice. 

We are a reconciling congregation. We will fight to make sure the doors of Jesus’ Church are fully open to all people, especially our LGBTQ+ siblings, who are beloved and important members of Christ’s body.

Christ Church is a community of people committed to following Jesus Christ by worshiping God, growing in faith, and living God’s grace with each other and the world.

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